Tuesday 15 October 2013

Nobel Laureates: Their Early Inspirations

...Admit it. Plenty of us have pictured how we would respond to THAT phone call from Stockholm, telling us that we’d been awarded a Nobel Prize. But it’s good to know that many of the science Nobel Laureates admit to having had that same daydream too! Peter Agre, who shared the 2003 Chemistry Prize with Roderick MacKinnon, was very honest when speaking to a group of Russian students:

Each of the Nobel Prizes can be shared between up to three individuals each year, but even then, the actual number of Nobel Laureates in the sciences is tiny. In total, 565 people have been awarded one of the Science Prizes (Physiology or Medicine, Physics and Chemistry) since 1901, and that includes the eight newest Laureates announced last week. Higgs, Levitt and Schekman and their fellow awardees, find themselves in a very privileged position! But did they ever really think that they would be awarded a Nobel Prize?

Elizabeth Blackburn, who shared the Medicine or Physiology prize with Jack Szostak and her colleague Carol Greider in 2009, never expected the odds to fall in her favour:

Did these highly-respected researchers always dream of becoming scientists? And what were their early influences? Oliver Smithies, who shared the 2007 Medicine or Physiology prize with Mario Capecchi and Sir Martin Evans, describes what he wanted to be when he grew up – how would you answer that question?

And Peter Doherty, who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Rolf M. Zinkernagel, realised that he was good at science in school, but may have ended up on a completely different road:

It’s clear from answers like this that the one thing that these scientists have in common is their love for their work. But, were they always destined for scientific greatness? Many “Science Laureates” hail from scientific families – Bruce Beutler, the 2011 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine spoke fondly to an American student about the role that science played in his childhood:

These clips form part of the Nobel Prize Inspiration Initiative (NPII), which aims to inspire and communicate with scientists, at all stages of their career. The initiative, led by Nobel Media, brings a Laureate to a series of universities, where they give a lecture and take part in series of Q&A sessions with young scientists. This new website hopes to extend the reach of the initiative, by sharing of the content from these events with a global audience of scientists. The collection of short clips and lecture videos allows the Laureates to share their insights on everything from their childhood, through to communicating research, career options, and maintaining a good work-life balance.

You can also follow the initiative on Twitter @NobelPrizeii or Facebook #NPII

1 comment:

  1. The medical industry profitted and so did the pension fund holders. You profitted off off tortureing inocent people that you then let die in agony. Hisyory. Nobel peace?
